Our team traveled to Juarez July 25-28 this summer (2018) and completed a single family dwelling there on the east side of Juarez. It was such a blessing to be involved in this life-changing experience! We hope to return soon to participate in another short-term outreach effort to this area.

The love of the family was evident for the workers, and the workers were so patient and confidently deliberate about directing our team in the building process! The best part of the trip was the absolute privilege of being present at a young couple's confession of Jesus Christ for the very first time on a prayer walk through the village! Hallelujah!

Another highlight was watching the children of the family play while the building was going up; one of the youngsters was running back and forth and proclaiming "Mi casa! Mi casa!" A very heartfelt joy was evident on the faces and in the hearts of all who participated!