On our last day in El Crucero, we delivered food baskets to homes surrounding the clinic. It was late in the afternoon, the village was shrouded in mist and the wind was howling. We walked out into the mist joined by members of a local church to deliver food baskets - bags of basic food supplies (beans, rice, cooking oil, etc.). The homes were one or two room huts with walls made of wood slats, corrugated metal or sheets of thick plastic. The families often invited us inside to get out of the weather. Standing inside dimly lit huts, we joined together in prayer for their needs. One man, in a hut made almost entirely of plastic sheets, asked that God would help him provide a better home for his family. Another man, who recently lost his arm in a work accident, asked for pray to be able to make a living and feed his family. Many struggled with significant health issues. A woman who attended the women’s ministry asked that God would change her character. We saw the stark reality of life in El Crucero and the physical and spiritual needs of the people there. Yet, we also were touched as they shared their lives with us. The food basket delivery day is one of the highlights of the trip each year.