Christ's invitations adorn homes of El Crucero

During our bible camp at the Clinica Susie Sykes we taught on the invitations of Christ. The lives of the women here are hard and their needs often overlooked. Our ministry group was for women ranging from very young moms to grandmas. At the end of the week our craft supported our studies reflecting on five invitations of Christ; come to me, learn from me, ask me, abide in me and follow me. We made hanging mobiles with the five invitations of Christ on cards and their accompanying verses on the reverse sides. The women were energized all week to hear the word and to be part of making the crafts that supported the teachings. We had anticipated about 15 women to attend and all three days of the camp we experienced God’s bountiful call of 40+ women. The clinic with all three ministry groups of children, teens and women ranged up to 180 people within an area of about 1,000 sq. ft.—it was packed.

The day after the bible camps concluded we assembled about 30 bags of food to be delivered to the most needy in the El Crucero area around the clinic. We visited many houses some who had come to the clinic during the week and others who had not. We entered a house of a woman who had come during the week to the study. We were warmly welcomed and began to ask her for prayer needs and bless her home and family. In the middle of her home hanging from the center of her ceiling was the mobile she had made at the clinic. Their houses are sparse and this was the only adornment, she was so happy to display her work. We were so blessed to know that the words taught and gifts brought were useful and would be a blessing to her and her family reminding her of the Lord’s presence and provision.